Our Expertise Network

VivoWorks workforce development solutions can uniquely scale and enhance expertise in teams, organizations and professional communities. In crafting a blend of tools, best practices and methodologies, VivoWorks engineers and designers draw heavily on leading-edge scientific developments from behavioral, organizational, collaborative and cognitive disciplines.

There is a constant stream of input into this process from leading academic, enterprise and government experts. VivoWorks target vertical industries include: manufacturing, healthcare, critical infrastructure, financial services, legal, high tech and other sectors where complex social, business and technology factors interact with unpredictable and non-linear effects that emerge at the intersection of enterprise value, purpose, opportunity and risk.

Customers, Partners, Participants

Some of the esteemed alumni from past and present panels, studies and elicitation projects:

Accenture, IBM, Google, Sempra, PG&E, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Southern California Edison, Infosys, NAESB Board, Idaho Power, Itron, Avista, SAIC, Salt River Project, AlienVault, Silver Springs Network, Neilsoft Limited, Frogner Associates, Inc.

U.S. Department of Energy

Vivoworks cybersecurity job performance models were largely funded through Department of Energy with the goal of increasing the resiliency of the North American power grid and related critical infrastructure.

American Trucking Industry

We are currently working with a number of key players in the commercial trucking industry to give freight transportation companies better analytical tools to ensure high levels of reliability, safety and financial health.


Google provided security expertise to numerous job modeling panels where top security engineers convened to formalize job tasks and best practices in the cybersecurity industry.

National Intelligence Education Foundation

A cloud platform for serving content, tracking members and coordinating educational industry events. Innovative approach to integration of CMS and CRM systems and user profiles for advanced event / subscription ecommerce capabilties.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Vivoworks has partnered with PNNL on a long term effort to improve the methodologies that are used to train, assess and certify engineers in the electric power generation and delivery industry.


Ongoing consulting engagements on security architecture, product developments and market positioning for advanced security technologies in the private radio and corporate IT backbone areas.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

A number of Vivoworks projects have been enhanced by the involvement of DHS, NIST and related government agencies.


Collaborated with Edubrite on defining features for cloud-based Learning Management System ( LMS)

Critical Intelligence

Vivoworks has provided Critical Intelligence with platforms for training security engineers using innovative mash-ups of LMS, CMS, Knowledge Exchange and cloud workgroup tools.

About Us

We are... scientists, researchers, technologists, methodologists and designers who are passionate about helping people acquire and transfer expertise, including all the diverse individual, social, cognitive and tacit aspects of this most-human of processes.

David H. Tobey, PH.D.:
Chief Executive Officer
Adam Namejko:
Chief Development Officer
Joseph Jones
Lead Designer
Portia Pusey
Senior Reseacher
Creative and IT:
Jon, Peter, Jose, Betsey, JJ, Skip, Constance
Vivoworks, Inc.
770 Newport Road, Suite B
Shenandoah, VA 22849
Vivoworks, LLC
Unit 32-18
Oakleigh Rd South
New Southgate
London, N11 1NP


Pricing Policy