The goal of this project is to create a 12-week instructor-led online course that trains energy sector information security employees to detect and respond to targeting from and exploitation by sophisticated threat actors. The training will fill gaps left by current trainings intended to provide information security know-how to the electric sector workforce.
The training will be roughly equivalent to a 3 credit university course comprised of about 2.5 hours of lecture and 7 hours of on-the-job application each week. Each course will handle between 12 and 30 students. Development of the training will require one year. Training under this program will be offered four times a year for the two years following training development.
The training will be developed in conjunction with key electric sector partners, including a major U.S. utility, the Electric Sector Security Consortium (EnergySec) and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). The focus of the course will be two fold:
1) Building a threat intelligence program capable of identifying and responding to targeted attacks
2) Sharing the information garnered from the intelligence program with appropriate industry peers, and government partners.